Thursday, September 27, 2007


One quote that I found from Ken Burns' 'The War' hits home Sunday on PBS" says "It's also, like war, about that ultimate event, one's death, which we avoid mightily in our normal lives ... and love to see in our movies to be distracted by, as if by witnessing a great deal of death, we are somehow cheating it." I've never really thought about it this way, but it has some truth in it. War movies are made so that people can understand (or at least witness) the pain, hardwork and sacrifices that these men took upon themselves. And I think in some way when we watch these movies it makes us realize how good we really have it. I can't quite explain it, but this quote is very powerful. It says alot about our country and what we have been taught to believe. Why does death interest us so much? Is it because its somthing we have no control over? I'm unsure, but that's probably why its in so many movies. As far as being forced to include Latino images in the movie, I think that things should be portrayed accuratley so that the public will understand how things really went. We have no way of knowing, we weren't there, we need a little help with the facts.

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